Monday, March 24, 2008

Pipe Cleaners

I LOVE these things! They're cheap (I got this pack for a dollar) and the fun is endless. These are great for church; I make sure I have some in my bag every week. They are quiet and they really entertain my kids. Good for learning colors, too.

Pipe cleaners are perfect for making cereal bracelets. They are stiff enough that it's easy for toddlers to put the cereal on themselves, and they don't slide off when they're putting more on. My daugter loved this! (Thanks Kelly!)

My daughter got this flower in nursery, and I thought it was a great idea. You take a paper cup and poke a hole in the bottom. Attach a paper or plastic flower (you could easily cut some out of colored paper) to one end of a green pipe cleaner and put the other end through the cup. My daugter made her flower "grow" by pushing the pipe cleaner up over and over and over!

There are SO many things you can do. Tomorrow we are going to make a tiara!

Here it is! As she calls it, her "Princess Crown".


kiddle97 said...

Oh my goodness, awesome idea! Anything that's quiet during church is a must. The Boys always want their cars, but those can get pretty loud when they're driving them across the wooden pews, and then when one Boy gets a car the other wanted... well, it ain't pretty (or quiet!). I love your ideas...

Valerie said...

Cute! Cute! I love it. Didn't I see you wearing that crown this morning? HA HA I'll have to put some ideas on when I think of some. HE HE HE

Alison said...

I just love the flower!

Jenn said...

I got beads with fairly large holes and had my kids make Christmas decorations to give away. If you buy beads in bulk, they aren't too expensive and my kids absolutely loved it. I'm sure that their grandparents, aunts and uncles did, as well.

I love the cereal idea. And I think I might try taking them to church. I'm always looking for new, lightweight, quiet church activities.

Amanda said...

My eight-year old saw this and said, "Mom, can we please do that?" So even older kids love these ideas!

Sue said...

I'm adding these to my $1 store list. Great ideas to show them, and then see what they come up with. I love the growing flower (it's flower season!).
