Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spin the Bottle

I've said before that the simplest things are often the best. My daughter LOVED this. We read a lot at our house anyway, but this put a fun spin on it (no pun intended. Seriously.) and made it into a game. We just took a bunch of board books and stood them up in a circle, took a bottle (from baby brother since we have a lot of those around) and spun! Whatever book it points to, you sit down and read! After we had gone though all of these books two or three times, she brought out a new set of books and we started all over.


Valerie said...

That's a cute idea. I'll have to try it. Love the blog lots of cute stuff.

Amanda said...

How cute is that! I love it! My little boy will get a kick out of it!

Genny said...

Cute idea! don't you think you're teaching that game to her just a *little* young, though?!?! Someday she's going to go to a birthday party and the kids are going to say "Let's play spin the bottle!" and she's going to jump right in. I'll bet she'll be surprised when the boy kisses her instead of reading to her! ha ha

kiddle97 said...

Ha ha ha Genny! How funny and cute is that? "You said we were going to play Spin the Bottle! What are you doing, kissing me, you big jerk???"

Great ideas though, Mary. I love this!

Savannah said...

We loved this one! Warning: Do it once, and it's expected everytime!
