Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sticky Feet

Today, I took some clear contact paper and taped it to the floor, sticky side up. My kids had SO much fun walking on it, dancing on it, just playing in general. Their feet (and hands) not only stick to it, but make fun sounds coming up!

We got it out again later, (this time I put it on the kitchen floor, and it stuck better) and the kids had even more fun. They got pretty creative rolling toys across it and stuff. They're still in there playing- I'm going to have a hard time getting them to go to bed! :)

Idea from The Toddler's Busy Book by Trish Kuffner


Valerie said...

Cute idea. Where to you get all these ideas? You're very creative.

Amanda said...

How fun! I never would have thought of that. Fun fun! I love how you come up with all these fun things and make it so easy for the rest of us to "think" of what to do today! Ha!

Genny said...

Ooh! I can't wait to try this! But I think I'll wait til Ry is past the eat everything stage.

Sue said...

How fun! Can't wait to try it.
